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Director of Claims Performance, 自动物理伤害, Mitchell, An Enlyte Company

五年前, 如果有人提到“虚拟化”,,很可能指的是某家亚博真人官方版APP的手机应用, or possibly just conjured visions of VR goggles used for high-tech simulations. 然而,这些天来,虚拟索赔处理的想法,或作为Lexis Nexis1 定义它, “photo or video estimating in which no insurance employee physically inspects the vehicle,” has firmly taken hold with touchpoints from First Notice of Loss to 全部损失 and all points in between. 现在似乎每个人都在争先恐后地向虚拟化发展, 为了理解解, it’s important to first understand the market drivers that have converged to make this virtual concept a reality.

1. 消费者偏好的转变

根据波士顿咨询集团(BCG), 千禧一代已经超过婴儿潮一代,成为人口最多的一代2 到2030年,他们的人数将超过所有非千禧一代. 那么它们和虚拟化有什么关系呢? 出生在世纪之交之前, 千禧一代是在互联网世界中成长起来的第一代. 对于年轻的千禧一代, 智能手机和手持互联网设备是生活中不可或缺的一部分, 从他们的小学时代开始. 这些“孩子”现在已经25到40岁了, 他们花了几年时间学习如何研究, 从他们手中的一块玻璃上购物并提供反馈. 这自然影响了他们的预期. This is critical to understand when looking at the move towards claims virtualization as millennial preferences and communication norms are different than their predecessor generations. 例如, 波士顿咨询集团的研究, 《千禧一代消费者:揭秘刻板印象, 确认千禧一代倾向于“重视速度”, ease, 效率, 以及所有交易的便利性.JD Power在2019年美国汽车索赔满意度调查中发现, “(p)reference for digital status updates during the course of a claim has increased 6% over the past two years of the study.3.” The old paradigm of waiting on hold to file a claim then driving to a repair facility to get an estimate, 或者在等现场评估师, 根本不符合千禧一代消费者的期望, 或者是有前途的年轻一代——Z世代(现在进入大学). It is critical for carriers to understand the role that changing demographics play in their customers’ expectations and how virtualization can help to meet them.

2. 增加行业成本压力

The average cost of repair continues to climb year after year with 2019 posting an increase of nearly 4% in both the United States and Canada with few signs of decreases in claims frequency.4 与此同时,作为财产险(Property and Casualty)业务传统组成部分的债券收益率&C)投资组合, 在过去的一年半里持续下跌吗, 减少了P的收益&C行业. 这些不利因素, 随着消费者期望的变化, 创造一个完美的风暴和一个完美的机会 虚拟索赔. Virtualization is an ideal strategy to reduce Loss Adjustment Expense (LAE) as companies are able to shift expensive operational costs from centralized offices to a more remote model that costs less, with lower capital requirements for vehicle fleets (along with the associated fuel, 维修和保险范围)和服务中心或办公室租赁. This model gives carriers the ability to meet customer expectations for expediency; for example, by enabling remote team members to write estimates from the home office or the field, 使用车辆照片. 另外, carriers can recruit appraisers from a larger workforce pool since geography is not a limitation, and at the same time improve 效率 by reducing the need for appraisers to drive hundreds of miles for rural appraisals.

3. 技术的快速发展

Finally, the move towards a 虚拟索赔 model is possible because of advancements in mobile and machine learning technologies. 这意味着, however, that achieving improvements in 效率 while preserving trust and accuracy relies heavily on using these ever-advancing technologies in the right way, 在合适的时间,以行业经验为指导. The goal of these technologies is to empower the insurance workforce to provide service and make claims decisions that will help guide customers to the desired outcome of a proper and safe repair. 随着米切尔智能估算亚博真人官方版APP的进步, 运营商可以利用技术从大量输入中收集照片, use expert-driven AI models to analyze images and combine that technology with decades of 碰撞修复数据 以及推动推荐的专业知识. This means insurers and their customers can feel confident that improving 效率 does not mean having to sacrifice accuracy. While there is no virtual substitute for a complete teardown in order to fully evaluate all damage to a vehicle, emerging virtual solutions are providing substantial efficiencies in claims processing. 一些亚博真人官方版APP已经在使用或探索虚拟索赔处理, 随着更多自动化的出现. Whether each company is poised to be an early or gradual adopter of virtualization, claims handling is changing as quickly as the technology and consumer expectations driving it. 在这个快速变化的环境中, 对于每个行业合作伙伴来说,了解形势非常重要, and understand how virtualization can deliver solutions as we navigate this new reality.

1LexisNexis Risk 亚博真人官方版APP, 2019 Future of Claims Study: Balancing Claims Automation and Empathy
2 http://www.bcg.com/documents/file103894.pdf
4根据Mitchell Data